Volunteer Team (alumni)

Born in India, educated in the UK and now working in London, Shiva has much experience living in a multicultural environment and values the benefits it brings. He has brought this passion with him when he joined ATRD and combined it with his technical knowledge to suggest new ideas to help further ATRD’s causes and […]

Ruth is an Employer Brand and Recruitment Marketing specialist, with a strong interest and expertise in communications relating to equality of opportunity and diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She has worked across a range of business sectors, advising on employer brand awareness and how to increase employee engagement. Volunteering with ATRD gives Ruth the […]

Freya’s background is in graduate recruitment and student employability. She currently works for Kingston University where she is developing employability and professional development throughout the curriculum, to maximise the impact for all students on their graduate prospects. She has been a volunteer with ATRD since its inception and strongly believes in the importance of inclusive […]

A fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Elsy is an experienced pharmacist who has more than twenty years of experience working for the National Health Service (NHS) and the Private Health Sector. Elsy is passionate about advancing the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda in the NHS and society in general. Educated at Master’s level, she […]

Lieneke has always been interested in people and cultures. She grew up in the Netherlands and worked in Ghana before coming to the UK in January 2019. Her work in community development has taught her a lot about inequalities and she is passionate to tackle these inequalities and help people to live a healthy and […]